Dramatic. Exciting. Dangerous.

That is Africa - always changing, a continent of adventure.

River Rafting. Mountaineering. Cycling. Overland. Rescue.

Here we have links to new and exciting happenings in Africa.

Make the most of them - perhaps you even have one to share with us?!

  • Preparations are happening apace for the Three Peaks 2000 Challenge.
  • Thirty captive Tuli elephants have caught the imagination of the world. But there is a lot more to their story than meets the eye!
  • Join in a Mungo Park adventure to Timbuktu or Ethiopia.

The Team Kili Expedition is the kind of thing we are hoping to bring you live via this section of the website.

Just recently some school children from the USA explored Africa - The Africa Quest team. How would you like to relive their adventure.